Let make a plan for restaurant income at the beginning of this year – well begin of ledger account is half way done

Let make a plan for restaurant income at the beginning of this year – well begin of ledger account is half way done

One thing that restaurant entrepreneur must do at every end of the year to the beginning of upcoming one is to do “Sales Projection” for the better sales of the upcoming year. Business as restaurant makes a great priority of “Sales Projection” by setting expectation on sales figure and restaurant in the level of SME which its business priority to grow,  necessarily focuses on “Sales Projection” as well.

Restaurant enterpreneur must know which point of reastaurant Break Even Point would be to project the number of sales figure and capitals that need to be controlled for the loss in order to make “Sales Projection” . To find the break even point, it contains in profit-loss statement of the previous year as domain information to be setted with the usage of “Sales Projection as the tool to get the result of excess sales figure over break even point or excess sales figure over the past year numbers.

Setting up “Sales Projection” or expectation of sales figure is usually made in the period of Q4 or from October onwards. In order to set up its business goal for the upcoming year as for some enterpreneurs who had never tried to do or don’t know how to start investment, this article will guide you how to make “Basic Sales Projection” with examples to use for the better sales figure of the upcoming year than the previous one or at least higher than the numbers of the previous year.

Sales Basic Plan Project of sales expectation must be obeserved from objectives as follows;

In case of enterpreneur who has already recorded sales figure and profit-loss statement (P&L). They will be used as standard criteria for expectation of sales figure and will be adjusted by 4 objectives as mentioned. And they will be add in the part of external variables that expected to forcase for the upcoming year. Sales figure and capital controllation will be found as the result of these above information as the following examples.

  • Will pandemic of covid-19 still keep continuing?
  • Our sales restaurant will be increasing or decreasing as the positive and negative factors from its location if new deparment store will be launched in close area.

  • The forcast of agricultural materials cost will be higher as the damage of previous year of flood and severe drought.

Therefore every capitals or expected sales figure may not happen after we have completely analyzed then we will set up the expectation of sales figure of the upcomig year.   

Example : Estimated sales figure of 2020 was around 4,500,000 baht with the profit of 6% Expectation of sales figure of the upcoming year will increase up to 7% as 4,815,000 baht with with increasing number of profit as 10%.

Next step after we finally have expectation of sales figure in the previous year is to

1.เกลี่ยยอดขายลงในแต่ละเดือน Spread sales out into each month with the reference of previous sales figure of last year. Without the concern of equivalent monthly sales growth. Sales figure in some months may be equal to the last figure in the past year, sales in some months may be higher than other months in case of well certain analysis of conditions and external factors.

  1. Find the difference of previous sales figure and expectation of sales figure for the upcoming year to make business strategy for the guildance to complete expected sales figure.

Example : Sales figure of 2020 was estimated to be closed at 4,500,000 baht and for 2021 is expected to reach 4,815,000 baht with the difference of strategy as 315,000 baht/year

What enterpreneur will necessarily take action is to make strategy for sales increasing to meet his goal. This section is extremely important and needs a period of time to plan for sales figure and other strategies in order to determine direction of work plan of the upcoming year such as marketing plan, training plan, cost management plan etc. that enterpreneur must take as priority and special level of thought.

Analysis for sales figure and strategy that will suit your restaurant to make more “profit” than you expected, we are presenting this free online course for you “Successful formula for sales analysis for unexpected profit beyond imagination ” (Sales Projection and Analysis)  with 3 lessons as following

Chapter 1 Monthly sales budget setting

Chapter 2 Sales analysis for strategic determination of sales increasing

Chapter 3 Strategies for increasing sales

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